2023 Typography Trends: From Maximalism to Layered Typography for Captivating Visuals

For captivating visuals that leave a lasting impression, typography plays a vital role in design. The art of arranging type in a visually pleasing way has evolved over the years, and we’ve seen some exciting new trends emerge that have given new life to this fundamental design element.

In 2023, we can expect to see some remarkable typography trends, from maximalism to layered typography, that can be used to create visually stunning and engaging designs.

In this article, we’ll explore the latest typography trends and how you can incorporate them into your designs to captivate your audience.

Variable Fonts

Variable fonts are a revolutionary new technology that allows for greater control over typography than ever before. Essentially, variable fonts are a single font file that contains multiple variations of a font, such as different weights, widths, and styles. This means that designers can create custom typography that is perfectly tailored to their design needs, without having to rely on a separate font file for each variation.


In recent years, minimalism has been the dominant trend in typography, with clean lines and sans-serif fonts ruling the day. However, a new trend has emerged in recent years called maximalism. Maximalism is all about embracing bold, bright, and expressive typography, often in combination with other design elements such as illustrations or patterns. This trend is perfect for brands that want to stand out and make a bold statement.

Serifs are back

For years, sans-serif fonts have been the go-to choice for web design, thanks to their clean and modern aesthetic. However, in recent years, serif fonts have made a comeback, with designers rediscovering the elegance and sophistication that serifs can bring to a design. From traditional serif fonts like Times New Roman to more modern options like Georgia, serif fonts can add a touch of class and elegance to any design.

Handwritten Fonts

Another trend that has emerged in recent years is the use of handwritten fonts. Handwritten fonts can add a personal and human touch to a design and can be used to create a sense of intimacy or authenticity. This trend is particularly popular in the food and beverage industry, where handwritten typography can evoke a sense of warmth and nostalgia.

Captivating Visuals

Layered Typography

Layered typography is a trend that involves stacking multiple layers of typography on top of each other to create a three-dimensional effect. This trend can be used to create depth and visual interest in a design, and is particularly effective when combined with bold, expressive fonts.

Typography is an ever-evolving aspect of design that is constantly being reimagined and reinvented. From the revolutionary technology of variable fonts to the bold and expressive trend of maximalism, designers have never had more options when it comes to typography. By embracing the latest trends in typography, designers can create visually stunning and engaging designs that resonate with their target audience.

Tips and Tricks for choosing the right fonts for your web design:

  1. Consider the Purpose of Your Website

The first step in choosing the right fonts is to consider the purpose of your website. Different fonts convey different moods and emotions. For example, sans-serif fonts like Helvetica or Arial are often associated with modernity, while serif fonts like Times New Roman or Georgia are more traditional and formal. Script fonts, on the other hand, can convey a sense of elegance or femininity.

  1. Pair Fonts Strategically

One of the most common mistakes in web design is using too many fonts. A cluttered mix of different fonts can be distracting and confusing for users. Instead, choose two or three complementary fonts that work well together. Pairing a serif font with a sans-serif font can create a harmonious balance, while using two sans-serif fonts can add a modern and minimalistic touch to your design.

  1. Ensure Readability

One of the most important aspects of web design is readability. Make sure that the fonts you choose are legible and easy to read. Consider the font size, line height, and spacing between letters and words. Sans-serif fonts are generally easier to read on screens, especially at smaller sizes. Serif fonts can work well for headlines or titles, but may be more difficult to read in body text.

  1. Test Fonts on Different Devices

It’s important to test your chosen fonts on different devices and screen sizes to ensure they are displayed correctly. A font that looks great on a desktop screen may not be as readable on a mobile device. Make sure to test your font choices on various devices to ensure they are legible and look great on all screens.

  1. Stick to Standard Web Fonts

While there are thousands of fonts available online, it’s important to stick to standard web fonts that are universally available. This ensures that your fonts will be displayed correctly on all devices and browsers. Some popular web fonts include Arial, Verdana, Georgia, Times New Roman, and Helvetica.


Typography is a crucial aspect of web design that can make a significant impact on how a website is perceived. By considering the purpose of your website, strategically pairing fonts, ensuring readability, testing fonts on different devices, and sticking to standard web fonts, you can create a visually stunning and engaging website that resonates with your target audience.