
Exploring the Pros and Cons of Neumorphism: A Comprehensive Guide to Its Use in UI Design

Neumorphism is a relatively new design trend that has been gaining popularity in the world of UI design. It’s a technique that blends elements of skeuomorphism and flat design to create a user interface that appears to be both tangible and intuitive. But is it worth incorporating into your design work? In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of neumorphism to help you decide if it’s the right choice for your next UI design project.

What is Neumorphism?

Neumorphism is a design trend that emerged in 2020, combining the flat design principles of minimalism with the tactile qualities of skeuomorphism. The result is a design style that creates a sense of depth and texture while still maintaining a simple, clean aesthetic.

Neumorphism relies on soft shadows and gradients to create the appearance of depth, while still maintaining the simplicity of flat design. It is often used to create buttons, input fields, and other interactive elements that appear to be three-dimensional and “clickable.”

Pros of Neumorphism in UI Design

1. Intuitive Design

One of the biggest advantages of neumorphism is that it creates a user interface that is intuitive and easy to understand. By incorporating real-world textures and shadows, neumorphic design creates a sense of familiarity that users can easily understand and navigate.

2. Enhanced User Experience

Neumorphic design can enhance the user experience by creating a sense of tangibility and interactivity. By creating elements that appear to be “clickable,” users are more likely to engage with the interface and enjoy the overall experience.

3. Unique Aesthetic

Neumorphism offers a unique aesthetic that can help your UI design stand out from the crowd. The soft shadows and gradients used in neumorphic design create a sense of depth and texture that is not often seen in other design styles.

4. Versatile Design

Neumorphic design can be used in a wide range of applications, from mobile apps to desktop interfaces. Its versatility makes it an appealing choice for designers who want to create a unified design language across multiple platforms.

Cons of Neumorphism in UI Design

1. Limited Accessibility

One of the main drawbacks of neumorphic design is that it can be difficult to implement with accessibility in mind. The soft shadows and gradients used in neumorphism can create contrast issues for users with visual impairments, making it difficult for them to distinguish between different elements on the interface.

2. Overuse

As with any design trend, neumorphism runs the risk of being overused. If too many designers adopt the trend, it can quickly become stale and lose its appeal. It’s important to use neumorphic design sparingly and only when it enhances the overall user experience.

3. Limited Functionality

Neumorphic design is not suitable for all UI elements. While it works well for buttons and input fields, it may not be the best choice for more complex elements, such as graphs or charts.

4. Complex Implementation

Implementing neumorphic design can be a complex process that requires a high level of skill and attention to detail. Designers need to carefully consider the lighting and shadow effects to ensure that the interface appears natural and intuitive.

Few Examples of Neumorphic Design

  • The iOS 14 update introduced a number of neumorphic elements, such as buttons and sliders.
  • The design of the new Tesla Model S features a number of neumorphic elements, such as the dashboard and the steering wheel.
  • The design of the Android 12 update features a number of neumorphic elements, such as buttons and sliders.
  • The design of the new MacBook Pro features a number of neumorphic elements, such as the keyboard and the trackpad.
  • The design of the Figma plugin for Figma is heavily inspired by neumorphism.


Neumorphism can offer a unique and visually appealing UI design, but it also has potential drawbacks such as limited accessibility and complex implementation. As with any design trend, careful consideration should be given to whether neumorphism is suitable for your project based on your users’ needs and overall goals. If you do decide to use it, remember to use it sparingly, ensure accessibility, and pay attention to lighting and shadow effects for a natural appearance. By weighing the pros and cons and implementing it with care, designers can create effective and engaging UI designs.